Sing with others. Eleven good things will happen. Yep, eleven.

11 Amazing Benefits Of Singing You May Not Know

Top 11 Health Benefits of Singing

11 Surprising Health Benefits of Singing:

Choir singing improves health, happiness – and is the perfect icebreaker

It’s backed by science:

Per Daniel Levitin, psychology professor and author of This is Your Brain on Music, group or choral singing isn't just good for the soul — it's good for the body. Group singing makes you feel closer to others. Levitin has analyzed the changes in people's brain activity when they sing together. Feelings of belonging  and mood elevation are biologically ingrained to surface with communal singing. A wealth of neurological research suggests that our brains release oxytocin when we sing with others.

Oxytocin a chemical that's involved in social bonding. It leads to the feelings of togetherness and friendship that comes from singing together. The very act of listening while singing in groups causes participants' brain responses to synchronize with one another. So scientifically, group singing strengthens a community.

Choir-singing as an anti-depressant?

Singing in choirs doesn't just connect us with others, it also has the powerful capacity to elevate our mood. The healing potential of singing is due in part to deep breathing. As an aerobic activity, singing increases the amount of oxygenated blood rushing to the brain."We feel good after breathing, and breathing deeply, and controlling our breaths in the way that we do when we're singing," he said.

Research suggests choir singing changes our neurochemistry as well. When singing to music you enjoy with other people, the brain sees an uptick in two powerful neurotransmitters called serotonin and dopamine. Dopamine activates the brain's pleasure centre, while serotonin is commonly deployed to ward off depression. Levitin stresses that we must remember the biological power that comes from our combined voices when considering that choral singing can make us feel good.

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